It’s the summer of 2024 and we’ve endured biblical amounts of rain and humanity feels like it’s getting more bizarre by the day. Barbie pink is out and slime green is in.
I know what you’re thinking…
What gemstones should I be wearing for brat summer?
Luckily for you I’ve compiled a list and rated them. Why? Because I’m procrastinating from doing real work, but also, the people need to know about these gems.
Chrysoprase – 8/10
A stunning shade of green, not too far off from brat green. It’s bright, opaque and stands out from across the room. This otherworldly gem is basically a fancy type of quartz.
Hardness is a 6 to 7 so great on earrings and necklaces but a bit soft for rings.
Peridot - 9/10
An almost perfect brat colour, favoured by Cleopatra who probably would have loved brat summer. This gem only comes in brat green, it’s bright, affordable and stunning on a sunny day.
Hardness is a 6.5 to 7 so wearable on earrings and necklaces, a bit soft for rings as it can scratch quite easily.
LuAg - ∞/10
LuAg (also known as lutetium aluminium garnet) is iconic and there’s no denying it. This is a gem created for science, its highly fluorescent, looks utterly radioactive (pretty sure it’s not though). Nothing quite like this exists in nature and it has recently become available to buy as loose gems, rough and jewellery.
It has a hardness of 8.5, making it durable enough for any 365 party girl.
GAGG - 9. 9˙/10
Gadolinium Aluminium Gallium Garnet - Another science gem, less green but still spectacular. This greenish yellow garnet is super fluorescent, slightly phosphorescent (if you put it in the sunlight it will glow in the dark a tiny bit).
As well as LuAg, this is known as a lumogarnet. These are lab created and are often used in medical equipment for things such as lasers and detecting radiation. Very cool.
Hardness is an 8 so it's durable enough for rings.
There it is. That’s the list, have a great day. :)